Saturday, March 19, 2022

A Pleasant Wish


1 comment:

  1. And learning I did, I now experienced firsthand what Amara had always encountered, what subtle, but no less painful humiliations she had to experience almost constantly in everyday life. Strangely enough, I noticed in myself that I could somehow deal with it well - which by the way did not make it any less hurtful, only I did not (any longer) allow this humiliating, hurtful element into my emotional world. Moreover, this experience strengthened the bond between me and Derryl (she now lives my life of course, and therefore has my name.), we came more and more together. Finally, we set a date to seal our relationship with marriage, and our wedding was who we were: loving, mild, modest, small in size (only for true friends, and immediate family(members).) and heartwarming. And less than a year later I gave birth to our first child, a precious daughter. This was an absolutely overwhelming experience for someone who could never have even approximated to give birth to a fellow human being himself, an experience, incidentally, which I now, looking back, would not have wanted to miss for all the treasures in the world. There are simply no words for this loving, overwhelming intimacy.... . - Tom -
