Thursday, November 25, 2021

The What Conference? Part 5

 What will happen next? Poll

Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  

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1 comment:

  1. "What do I think about this, how do I deal with this?" , thought the new Aurora. And then it dawned on her, like the dawn of a new (summer) day. A similarly beautiful color palette opened up to her, she saw her future colored in and knew: this is what I've always wanted, my deepest and most intimate heart's wish has (now) been realized. Tears of emotion and joy filled her eyes. And then she felt it, a strong man's arm wrapped around her waist, and man's lips kissing her tears away with the utmost tenderness. Then followed a calm, determined embrace, which she wished to continue. Then she was lifted and placed on the bed, after which a mutually tender, sensual lovemaking began that lasted seemingly endlessly, and finally culminated in an extremely deep mutual satisfaction, which was especially intense because both were doing their utmost to please each other. to be. "This is it, this is what I want, this is my future, along with him. Oh my gosh, please let it stay that way!" In response to her heartfelt, heartfelt request, the new Aurora felt a soothing, blissful calm and intense bliss sink into her soul, and at the same time, she knew that her partner was having the same experience at the same time. They both drifted into a deep, blissful dream-filled sleep, from which they awoke after a few hours refreshed and blissfully happy, facing a loving future together.... . - Tom -
