Friday, September 10, 2021

Everything Lost

    I do not own the rights to these images, if you are the owner and desire removal contact me and I'll remove them immediately.

P.S. I want to make my viewers aware, I will not be posting a caption tomorrow. It will be the anniversary of 9/11 and it does not feel right to post a caption on that day. Instead I will post the next caption on Sunday. I normally take Sundays off, but because of this development I will post on Sunday, at the usual time. 

1 comment:

  1. When Kevin woke up the next morning he thought about everything that had happend. He honestly had to admit to himself that the original Sarah was right, and he knew he had to change certain traits in his character. And though it took quite some time for him to change he gradually became a better person, and eventually he became a lovely woman, bride and mother, and looking back on what happened in the past she could only smile and experience sincere joy and happiness ... . - Tom-
    Thank you for this story, despite the forced, irreversable swap of is a very lovely tale .... .
