Thursday, August 19, 2021

Best Graduation Gift

Requested by PWriter

     I apologize for the small font I got carried away and found that I liked what I wrote. I didn't want to cut out any material, and there wasn't enough to make two captions, so I shrank the font. Incase you can't read it the story is written again below.

           I do not own the rights to these images, if you are the owner and desire removal contact me and I'll remove them immediately.


I can’t believe that today is graduation day, most of my class is ecstatic about this day. To move on to our adult life or to progress on to college. As for me? I’ve been despising this day ever since I became a senior. Don’t get me wrong I’m glad to finally leave high school and take charge of my own life, However there is something significantly more important to me that I’ll be leaving behind. When I first became a freshman I began to struggle to survive in school. It was only luck that allowed me to pass my first year, but I knew things were only going to become more difficult. In my second year I was absolutely bombing everything. I was about ready to drop out of high school, which I dreaded, not knowing what I’d do afterwards. It was my English teacher Mrs. Angela Miller, Who I have to add is the hottest teacher I’ve ever had by far. Anyways it was she that noticed my struggle and took pity on me. She spent a lot of her free time sitting with me and tutoring me in not just English but all my other classes. If it wasn't for her I wouldn’t have even passed my sophomore year, much less graduate. She didn’t stop during my sophomore year. She was there every step of the way. She and I grew so close that we even spent time outside of school, having fun in our free time. Heck she even invited me to 

her 35th birthday. I’ll admit it was a little odd being the only one my age there. A few months later she even gave me a treasured gift on my 19th birthday.

Unfortunately today is the day I have to say goodbye to her. As I sat down in my seat while the school band was playing Pomp and Circumstance I scanned the faculty seating looking for my guardian angel. I have to admit I have such a hard crush on her I have no clue how I managed to keep it a secret from her. My frantic search yielded no results, I could not find Angela. After the ceremony I felt so defeated, having not seen her, I began to walk to the car, at a pace equivalent to a crawl. I guess I’ll never see her again, I’ll never be able to say goodbye to her.

It was then that I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder, preventing me from moving further. A soft voice spoke in my ear, “David I’m so proud of you.” As I spun around to gaze upon the gorgeous eyes of Angela, my eyes lit up in pure happiness. “Angela, I…” I was cut off by her  kind voice. “David I know you’ve had a little crush on me, and as a gift I’d like to give you a once in a lifetime opportunity, come on follow me.” She pulled my arm dragging me as she ran. “I bet you didn’t know but the swap festival came into town this week, and today is the day they begin swapping bodies. Would you like to be me for a week? Won’t that be fun?” Stunned at what she was saying, all I could muster was a nod while leaving my mouth wide open.

It seemed to have taken no time at all, or maybe I was lost in so much thought that I didn’t perceive just how much time passed. But I soon found myself treading into the swap tent as myself and out the other end as Angela. Stunned for a second time that I was now her I looked back at my old body. Angela gave me a massive hug and squealed “Now let's go have some fun!”

We spent most of the week with each other, but I’ll never forget the day we ran off to the outdoor pool together. She picked out a black bikini telling me that this was the bikini that she looked best in. She did not lie, she… I... looked incredibly sexy in it. I couldn’t help but to sneak in a few guilty gropes of her beautiful breasts. Man did it feel so good, I had no Idea that a woman’s breasts could feel so good stimulated like this. She gave a quick giggle as she spotted me doing so. I was so embarrassed I started apologizing profusely, just to be cut off again. “Oh sweaty I expect you to be doing this in fact…” She hesitated for a moment to take a quick look around the empty pool. She gave me a sly smile as she began to massage what was at that time my pussy. Man she knows how to please this body and I’m so glad she gave me this experience. 

The week passed quickly and we were soon back at the festival to swap back. Just like at my graduation I was saddened. She lifted my chin and smiled, “David we are friends, here is my number, and we can definitely do this again when the festival returns. Or we can even just talk if you’d like.” As she handed me a strip of paper with her number I couldn’t help but to feel excitement for what may happen between us in the future.