Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Decades of Catching up


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1 comment:

  1. At the suggestion of his girlfriend, Kyle took the name Kyra. Over the course of the week, his girlfriend managed to convince him to go out together to buy women's clothes and underwear, although he found this extremely embarrassing. While shopping, Kyra first became aware of "her' life, how sexist and misogynistic - or even derogatory! - men reacted to her slightly plump, more mature appearance. And although his girlfriend assured him that no one was "him" he still felt very embarrassed, and began to feel ashamed of how he had behaved as Kyle—something that already seemed to him like a past life from long ago.His girlfriend took pity on him, and decided to take Kyra help to really go through life as a self-conscious, joyful Kyra for good, and to really accept herself as a person and as a woman. She ordered Kyra to undress completely and stand in front of the mirror. Eyes down, Kyra stood in front of the mirror, blushing and unsure. "Come on, Kyra, look in the mirror and just describe who and what you see." After some more insistence, Kyra finally looked in the mirror, and began, unsure and a bit stuttering, too b write what she saw. "Don't give an opinion, Kyra, just be sober and 'businesslike' describe what you see," her friend told her. In the end - and mostly to her own surprise - Kyra succeeded. "Now choose underwear that you like to wear under your clothes when you are 'just' working during the day", was the next step Kyra had to take from her friend. She did this, and without her friend asking, she consciously looked in the mirror to see how she looked. a barely noticeable nod indicated how she felt. After this, Kyra was instructed to get dressed, and to her friend's surprise, she opted for a simple, yet tasteful outfit. Blushing, and with a slight smile on her lips, Kyra said, "Wow, I didn't know I could look this good as a slightly plump, mature woman." Spontaneously she hugged and hugged her friend. "Thank you for this help, I can't thank you enough for this." Pleasantly surprised, her friend offered to help her with the name, gender, and any other necessary changes that had to be legalized so that she could live life as Kyra for good.
    Just a year later, Kyra got engaged, and barely a year later, Kyra married a very sweet, caring man named William. She chose her friend as best man, and just a year after the wedding, Kyra gave birth to healthy, very much alive identical twins, two girls. A wave of emotion and gratitude for all that she had experienced and experienced since she became a woman, filled her, and she was not ashamed of her tears of emotion, which were tenderly and lovingly kissed away by her husband.... . - Tom -
