Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Poll: What PWriter's series would you like a sequel?

Hi and I apologize for my recent inactivity. I've been quite busy studying and haven't had much time for writing. But I want to let you know that I read every one of your comments. Thank you so much for your support and for sharing your thoughts on each story.

And similar to a previous occasion, I would love to hear your opinions on which series you'd like to see continued or prioritized (or even a single caption you like a continuation). Last time the winner was  "Do you know about the SplitPill" and I enjoyed closing that story.

Before you vote, there are some series that I will eventually continue, but are limited to a season like 📝April Fools RevengeReady for their first halloween and White Elephant Exchange.

Some series that are out of the poll, because they already have sequels in the works are these:

📝The Boss Wife

📝But how can this be positive?

📝Exchange Island Memories and Jealousy (crossover)

📝Missing the full picture

📝The Robber's Guilt

Important: The poll is only for my captions, Inari has some series of her own, that you should check out to, but I can not write on her art. It's easy to spot them, my captions have a white background and black text, and Inari's are black background and white text.

I'll close the poll next August 30th 2024.


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