Thursday, January 5, 2023

Very Late Holiday Treat

 Hello Readers, I meant to do this during the holidays but some how I never got around to it until now. For a Holiday treat I wanted to take a page out of MostlyJustSwapCap's book and do a few revisits. So I have set up a Google Form for everyone to submit to me what caption they want me to do a follow up with. I have not set a specific number of captions that I will do but I will let all of you know ahead of time. Keep in mind the captions that I will follow up on will only be captions that I have written. PWritter's captions are his own work and I will not write additions to them. That is his art and for him alone to add to. We may or may not work on collabs in the future but that has yet to be discussed. You all should be aware that sometimes I am unable to find the model for previous captions so there is also a chance that the follow up will host a different model or may not be followed up on.

Here is the link to the form.  

1 comment:

  1. FYI: "the perfect prom she never had", "My other phone number", and "The promotion offer" are all PWriter's captions.
