Monday, July 25, 2022

This is Me?



  1. (Sigh). If only it were that easy, and a real SWAP institute and a TG-Swap policy that the "participant(s)" actually adhere to their contractual request after the official registration. For me, this provides the extra assurance that I will never go back on my (free!!) choice to forever live in a genuine, loving, (slightly) chubby, curvy, fertile, attractive, shapely, well-stocked, busty Asian woman with long , dark hair change!! If only it had come so far.... - Tom -

  2. (Sigh.). If only it were such a treat that this special on-line service would also be available to me. I would then simply download the application form, fill it in very consciously and in great detail (just to avoid misunderstandings!) and return it signed as soon as possible. This offers me the certainty that I will actually be held to my wish, as soon as a suitable female TG-Swap candidate shows up. For the rest, I can only hope that one day, preferably immediately, this takes place in real life. My sincere joy would be boundless.... . - Tom -
